Volume 1, Issue 2 (2025)                   AAR 2025, 1(2): 109-140 | Back to browse issues page

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Damanpak Jami M. Six decades of Iran's Economic Regionalism in the RCD and ECO: Achievements and Failures. AAR 2025; 1 (2) :109-140
URL: http://aar.modares.ac.ir/article-13-75961-en.html
Senior researcher of regional and international studies and former permanent representative of Iran in ECO , morteza.jami63@gmail.com
Abstract:   (238 Views)
The Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) is the result of the political will of its three founding countries for economic convergence, which had previously symbolized in its predecessor, the Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD). The desire of Iran and two other neighbouring countries to fill the void of past regional cooperation led to the revival of RCD in ECO in 1984. The collapse of the Soviet :union: and the independence of the Muslim Republics led to expansion of the organization. During 1992-96, ECO realized the main areas and priorities of cooperation and established several regional institutions and since 2006 entered the implementation phase of its agreements and strategies. This research seeks to analyse the activities of ECO to achieve the set objectives and evaluate the degree of their realization.. The main question of the essay is whether ECO has been able to realize the goals of regional integration? What has been the role and influence of Iran in the successes and failures of ECO? And can we still hope for the success of this organization? The research hypothesis is that ECO has not achieved much success in the implementation of a large number of agreements and regional plans, and its activities have not had a tangible impact on regional development and prosperity. In the meantime, Iran has played a large role in the failure of ECO. The research method is descriptive-analytical, and the data has been collected and analysed by referring to ECO documents, library sources and field experiences.

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Article Type: Qualitative Research | Subject: regional planning
Received: 2024/07/6 | Accepted: 2024/11/16 | Published: 2025/01/20

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